Monday, 12 July 2010

We spent a very enjoyable day in Mousehole, watching these lovely boats, some very old, some modern versions built to the old designs.


I wondered if this is a sailing gig - sadly due to the wind they never managed to get the sail up.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Ibis getting her sails up and in the distance PZ111 Veracity a modern build to the plans of an original Pilchard Driver. Nice boat shame about the colour - I mean, purple, yuk ! !

PZ8 Grace

FY519 Ibis

The huge Fowey Lugger Ibis dipping the lug right in front of the Quay in the strong wind

Thats better !
Looks very exhilarating !
The giant sails of the lugger Ripple on the right

Been trying to find out what this is - I thought it might be a St Ives Jumbo, but probably not !
The young crew sailed this beautifully

FY28 Elizabeth Mary

Dramatic looking shot looking over St Clements Isle

No Shortage of crew on the Lugger Happy Return
Lots of Gannets around - dodging the boats
Coming back across the bay

Steren va Bro

FY20 Vilona May

Monday, 15 September 2008



Before the sun appeared & just as the largest of the Tall Ships were coming out of The Carrick Roads, several parachutists came down on Castle Point - smoke is to help them guage wind
Looks pretty chaotic from where we were standing - lots of loud "horns" being sounded at the hundreds of private boats milling around & often getting far too close !
Leading the parade the Russian vessel Mir - the largest vessel here, although the late arriving Sedov is larger.
Mir again - took lots of photos of this but it was cloudy as she came close - but the sun came out as she turned & caught the wind coming down the Helford River - a beautiful sight.
Pogoria from Poland
Astrid from the Netherlands - & the familiar shape of Taboo from the Isles of Scilly just above.
Posted by Perranlady at 23:11
These are the class D vessels in the race - modern with very tall masts.
Behind them the familiar colours of the Anglian Princess heading out to become one end of the Start Line.
Another beauty - Shabab Oman from Oman -
note the red dagger & crossed swords on the sails.
The Alexander von Humboldt - as she approached us her green sails looked amazing - unfortunately as she neared the sunny patch of sea she veered away - big groans all round !
Alexander von Humboldt then veered away from the parade
& was overtaken by Tecla from the Netherlands
Capitan Miranda from Uruguay
Far Barcelona from Spain
Kaliakra from Poland
This is the Cuauhtemoc from Mexico - quite the star of the show - playing lovely mexican music as they came round & fired canons as it came past us. Such a stunning vessel
The Russian vessel Sedov -the largest of the expected ships, we spotted her on the horizon quite early on - it was slow progress so she didn't make it in time for the parade, possibly due to the strained relationships between the two countries they did not wish to fraternise with the natives ! This is a distant shot as she prepared to race.
Out of Falmouth comes Saga Ruby - she has been here for a couple of days so that her passengers could visit the ships & Falmouth. They will follow the race accross the channel
Saga Ruby now had to get through the fleet & all the followers, so that her passengers could watch the race as she made her way to her next port of call -
Guernsey & the fleet onwards to Portugal.
With Saga Ruby now to the East of the fleet off they go

Friday 21 September 2008 - Funchal 500 Tall Ships Regatta in Falmouth

We went to Falmouth early, but then discovered that the dogs were not allowed onto the main dock where the Class A Tall ships were docked - Rabies precautions. Still we got some good photos from the boat going from the car park to Falmouth & then walked to every vantage point we could - until the rain started & we gave up as it wasn't just a shower.We are heading to a vantage point over Falmouth Bay tomorrow to view The Parade of Ships just before the start of The Race. Definitely a walking boots day after all the rain !

Black Swan & Kingsley II - Old favourites from the Isles of Scilly now doing the Park & Float from Falmouth up the Penryn River to the large car park. Working hard this week.
One of the boats taking people for trips round the harbour to view the Tall Ships from the water.
Astrid (Netherlands) with a large crowd of admirers looking on

Left to Right Alexander von Humboldt, Cuauhtemoc (Mexico) Pogoria (Poland)
and on the far right the largest vessel here is the Mir.
The lovely Pelican of London as we went past on board Black Swan.

The Dutch square rigged Mercedes which has been doing 3hr trips for the public - On it's way out to Falmouth Bay with the BBC Spotlight team on board this am.
We could get a little bit closer to these Class C & D boats looking so festive with all the bunting.
Challengers 1 & 4 (UK) Hanging out the clothing to dry -
must have had to take it in quick when the rain came !
Endeavour (UK) & Gedania (Poland) - those bollards were everywhere !

The Class C boat Spaniel from Latvia moored by the Maritime Centre